Calling for nominations to AIRR Community Executive Sub-Committee:
Chair-Elect and Member Positions
With each major meeting interval of the AIRR Community, elections are held for leadership positions within the AIRR-C Executive Sub-Committee (Exec SC). This year, per our governance, we are seeking nominations for Executive SC Chair-Elect and up to three members of the Exec SC.
To nominate an individual to serve on the AIRR-C Exec SC, the nominator as well as the nominee need to be members of the AIRR Community and the nominee must be willing to serve on the AIRR-C Exec SC.
AIRR-C Executive SC Position Information
Executive SC Description:
The Executive Sub-Committee (Exec SC), is comprised of a Chair, a Chair-Elect, a Past Chair, and up to three additional Members of the AIRR-C. Each term for Chair usually lasts three AIRR-C Meeting intervals. The first interval is as Chair-Elect, the second as Chair, and the third as Past Chair. In all three intervals, the Chair serves as a Member of the Executive SC. Members of the Executive SC other than Chair, Chair-Elect, and Past Chair may serve (if elected and wishing to do so) for up to three AIRR-C Meeting intervals as an Executive SC member.
The Executive SC provides leadership for the AIRR-C by having monthly meetings in which AIRR Community governance, finances, communications, meetings, strategic priorities and other initiatives are discussed. The Executive SC receives reports from the AIRR-C Sub-Committees and Working Groups, assists with the manuscript endorsement process on behalf of the AIRR-C, assists with resolving any disputes within the AIRR-C or its SCs and WGs, and reviews financial statements from the TAbS Finance and Audit Committee. The Executive SC determines how the AIRR-C budget is allocated and decides on funding applications or other awards for AIRR-C members.
Positions for 2024- 2026 Election:
Chair-Elect, AIRR-C Executive Sub-Committee (1 position): The Chair-Elect serves as a member of the AIRR Community Executive SC until they take over the role of Chair. The Chair of the Executive SC, supported by the Executive Director provides overall leadership for the AIRR-C and runs monthly meetings with the Executive SC. The Chair drafts proposals regarding governance of the AIRR-C for review by the Executive SC and the AIRR-C, drafts letters of support for grant proposals on behalf of the Community, oversees endorsement of manuscripts by the AIRR-C, interacts with the AIRR-C Meetings and Communications SC’s regarding AIRR-C Meetings and initiatives, and promotes the AIRR-C to the larger scientific community.
Member, Executive Sub-Committee (up to 3 positions): Members of the AIRR Community Executive SC assist the Chair in carrying out the functions of the Executive SC.
Eligibility for Nomination and Voting:
Individuals wishing to be considered for a leadership position in the Executive SC must be an official member of the AIRR Community. Nominees and must be nominated by an official member of the AIRR Community, including themselves. To sign up to be an official member of the AIRR Community or to reset your password, please visit
Nomination Process:
Please use the link below to nominate someone for a position on the AIRR-C Executive SC oby April 26th, 2024.